
This Sidewalk sign Folded Sheet can handle strong wind very well due to its weight. Once folded it can easily be carried outside and in. We like to move this product like a towel would hang over your forearm and support with the other hand.

This sophisticated quality sidewalk sign has a slight curve and a slim continuous clean line due to the folded steel sheets. A true design eye-catcher that can represent your company perfectly.

The large display surface offers a good amount of space for logo, message, opening hours and other messages.

Vi hjælper dig gerne med klistermærker, og så er alt du behøver at gøre når pakken ankommer er at åbne den! sticker service here. 

Øg din synlighed med vores skilteløsninger. Sørg for, at alle kan se at du er åben for business.

The A-Frame FOLDED SHEET is foldable, this way it is easy to set it up outside and bring it back inside.

-Unfolded completely this A-frame FOLDED SHEET can handle strong wind very well.

-Powdercoated steel A- frame FOLDED SHEET for outside & indoor use.

-Available in beige RAL 1013 and white RAL 9016

-the A-Frame FOLDED SHEET is suitable for all our Add On options. For example Add on Circle til din daglige meddelelse.

-The A-Frame FOLDED SHEET is suitable for stickers and magnetic options. Magnetic poster and magnetic letters Magnetiske posters og bogstaver bruges af vores kunder. Magnetiske posters kan nemt bestilles hos en online printbutik.

-Sticker service: Please send us a PDF with your design and we will get back to you with a quote. Not able to make the design? Or what to write on your sidewalk sign? Feel free to reach out. We charge €27,50 per half hour for graphic help to find the perfect solution.

-If ordering your stickers online, make sure to order stickers with high adhesive strength for outdoor use.

Nederlandsk design: For vores nederlandske publikum: Vil du heller læse på nederlandsk? Ta et kig på vores nederlandske hjemmeside. dutch Website where our story has begun.

-Footprint – approx. 65 cm.

Vi sender kun indad i EU.


Folded sheet – 53 x 97 cm.


SE 3 to 5 days, NL 3 to 8 days, BE 5 to 9 days, DK 3 to 5 days, DE 5 to 9 days, FR 5 to 9 , days, other countries please contact us if not specified.


Light Beige RAL 1013

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